1. He was a diligent student, school texts for each one can recite. ����һ���ڷܵ�ѧ����ѧ����ÿһƪ���Ķ��ܱ��С�
2. If I had been more diligent at school and university I could he been a doctor or a lawyer. �������ѧУ�ʹ�ѧ��ʱ���Ŭ��һЩ���ҿ����Ѿ���һ��ҽ��������ʦ�ˡ�
3. To speak good English, I think one year of study should be enough for any diligent and intelligent person. �����ڷܺʹ������ˣ�Ҫ��˵һ��������Ӣ�����Ϊһ���ѧϰ��Ӧ���㹻�ˡ�
1. quietly and steadily persevering especially in detail or exactness
2. characterized by care and perseverance in carrying out tasks