1. Care and diligence bring luck. �����ڷܣ��������ˡ�
2. Diligence is the master of time; laziness is the slave. �ڷ���ʱ������ˣ�������ʱ���ū����
3. Her diligence must have something to do with his success. ������������ijɹ�һ����ijЩ��ϵ��
1. conscientiousness in paying proper attention to a task; giving the degree of care required in a give
2. persevering determination to perform a task
3. a diligent effort
Diligence �ڷ�;
low diligence ������;
On Diligence ���ڷ�;
diligence n ���㣬�̿࣬��ֲ�и;
due diligence ��ְ����;
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