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dielectric [,daii'lektrik]



    adj. �Ǵ����Եģ��յ��Ե�
    n. ����ʣ���Ե��




    1. Research on the dielectric barrier discharge nitrogen nitriding at atmospheric pressure have consumedly progressed.
    2. A state monitoring method of power cable based on the analysis of dielectric breakdown characteristic was presented.
    3. Resistance of natural rubber dielectric properties of natural rubber is a non-polar substances dissolve in non-polar solvents and non-polar oil.


      1. a material such as glass or porcelain with negligible electrical or thermal conductivity


    �����; ����ʣ�����; ������ġ���Ե��; ������ģ����ģ���Ե��;
    dielectric paper
    ��Եֽ; ���ֽ; ���ģ�ֽԵֽ; ��Եֽ,��Եֽ;
    dielectric constant
    ���ʳ���; ��늳���; ������; �����ʣ���糣����;
    dielectric drier
    �������; ��Ƶ���ȸ����, ����ʸ����; ��Ƶ���¯; ��Ƶ����¯;
    dielectric drying
    ��Ƶ�濾; ������; ��Ƶ����; ��Ƶ����;


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