1. Research on the dielectric barrier discharge nitrogen nitriding at atmospheric pressure have consumedly progressed. ���ý����赲�ŵ���г�ѹ���������о�ȡ��ͻ���Խ�չ��
2. A state monitoring method of power cable based on the analysis of dielectric breakdown characteristic was presented. �ڶԾ�Ե���ʻ������Է����Ļ����������һ�ֵ�������״̬��ⷽ����
3. Resistance of natural rubber dielectric properties of natural rubber is a non-polar substances dissolve in non-polar solvents and non-polar oil. ��Ȼ�����ֵ��ͽ���������Ȼ��������һ�ַǼ������ʣ������ڷǼ����ܼ��ͷǼ������С�
1. a material such as glass or porcelain with negligible electrical or thermal conductivity