1. He thinks we should not devote any more time on this issue. ����Ϊ���Dz�Ӧ��������������϶ʱ���ˡ�
2. Devote some of your leisure , I repeat , to cultivating a love of reading good books . ����˵һ�飬����һЩ���е�ʱ�䣬���������Ķ�����İ��á�
3. I feel that this is a good thing to know and I hope to devote the time to learning it myself one day! �Ҿ����˽��˵�ȷ��һ���dz��õ����飬��ϣ��������ijһ���һ��Լ�����ʱ������ѧϰѵ����
1. give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause
2. dedicate
3. set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use