1. Were our secretaries' grooming and deportment accord with a professional secretary? ����Ⱥ�ķ�װ���ݼ���̬�Ƿ����רҵ��������?
2. Who, amid all her distress and anxiety, could not help being scandalized at the deportment of her companion. ����Ȼʮ�ֽ������Բ��������Ļ�����Ϊ�������С�
3. Although the Olympic champion has become, but her speech and deportment, that can still feel shy and nervous. ��Ȼ�Ѿ���Ϊ���˹ھ�������������̸��ֹ�У��Կ��Ը��ܵ��Ƿ�����ͽ��š�
1. (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people