1. Flying geese, peacocks south, swallows return, are dependent on the attraction? ����ɹ�����ȸ���£����ӹ���������������������
2. Reaching God's goals is not dependent on other people or talents, intelligence or gifts. Every Christian can know who they are in Christ and grow in character. �ﵽ�ϵ۵�Ŀ�겻ȡ���������˻��Լ��IJŸɣ��ǻۻ����츳��ÿ������ͽ����֪�������Լ���˭�������Ը��ϳɳ���
3. For simple applications one might simply have an Real Time Clock interrupt signal a semaphore and have a process that encapsulates all the time dependent stuff. �Լ�Ӧ�ö��ԣ����Լ���ʵʱʱ���жϷ���һ���ź�������һ�����̷�װ��������ʱ��IJ��֡�
1. a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)
2. not independent
3. contingent on something else
4. (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence
5. supported from above
6. being under the power or sovereignty of another or others
7. addicted to a drug