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dependent [di'pendənt]



    adj. �����ģ������ģ�ȡ���ڡ���
    n. ���������ߣ���������




    1. Flying geese, peacocks south, swallows return, are dependent on the attraction?
    2. Reaching God's goals is not dependent on other people or talents, intelligence or gifts. Every Christian can know who they are in Christ and grow in character.
    3. For simple applications one might simply have an Real Time Clock interrupt signal a semaphore and have a process that encapsulates all the time dependent stuff.


      1. a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)
      2. not independent
      3. contingent on something else
      4. (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence
      5. supported from above
      6. being under the power or sovereignty of another or others
      7. addicted to a drug


    ����; ����; ������; ������;
    dependent patent
    dependent claim
    ����Ȩ��; ����Ȩ��Ҫ��ָ�ø��Ӽ��������������õ�Ȩ��Ҫ������һ���޶���Ȩ��Ҫ��; ������; ������ϵ ����;
    dependent project
    ������Ŀ; �����Ŀ; ����ר��; ������Ŀ;
    linearly dependent
    ������ص�; �������; ��������; ��������;


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