1. Life is not long , and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation on how it shall be spent. ���������Ͳ�̫�������Dz�Ӧ���˷�̫���ʱ���ں����ô���˼�������ȹ�������
2. The network provides the exchange, the communication, the deliberation opportunity, Designates and issues the best news. ����Ϊ���ʦ�ṩ������ͨѶ�����ֵĻ��ᣬѡ���ͷ�����õ���Ϣ��
3. As the key part in procedures of legislation, the quality of legislative deliberation will affect the quality of legislation directly. ����������Ϊ���������еĹؼ����ڣ������������ĸߵ�ֱ�ӳ���������֮����������
1. (usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question
2. careful consideration
3. planning something carefully and intentionally
4. a rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry
5. the trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision
deliberation ��˼;
under deliberation �ڿ����� ��������;