1. For classification problems, the sensitivity definition is reasonable. ��������������Զ����Ǻ����ġ�
2. The expanded dynamic snapshot view definition of one of the articles exceeds the system limit of 3499 characters. ij����Ŀ������Ķ�̬������ͼ���峬����3499���ַ����ȵ�ϵͳ���ơ�
3. Subsystem achieve one or more interfaces, the definition of these interfaces can be implemented subsystem behavior. ��ϵͳʵ��һ�������ӿڣ���Щ�ӿڶ�����ϵͳ����ִ�е���Ϊ��
1. a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol
2. clarity of outline