1. defending us very ineffectually, I imagine, but any way he is defending us. ����Ϊ��������ʮ�ֲ�����Ͼ����ڱ�����
2. Attacking team: The opponents of the defending team in whose half of the ground play is taking place. �����ӣ���������ij�ӵз����ذ볡�ڽ��У��öӾ��ǹ����ӡ�
3. For example, the appraisal team can interview an agile team, and the project team members tell the appraisal team what they do. ���磬�����Ŷӿ��Է�̸һ�������Ŷӣ��������Ŀ��ij�Ա���������Ŷ���������Щʲô��
4. Their majority is the gymnastic team, the diving team weight lifting team and the badminton team's members. ���Ǵ�����ٶӡ���ˮ�Ӿ��ضӺ���ë��ӵĶ�Ա�ǡ�
5. Remaining in the third race, he must be action To prove that he is the defending champion, and Massa to help the team get the best results. ��ʣ�����վ�����У����������ж���֤���Լ�������ھ����������Ӻ�����ȡ����õijɼ���
defending team ���ض�;
collaboration cooperation club club together team team up ��;
collaboration cooperation club club together team team up ��;
Merge a team into another team �ϲ�һ���ӽ�����һ����;
Being an active team member to provide constructive and necessary supports to the whole team when needed Ϊ�Ŷӵ����������ṩ�����Լ���Ҫ��֧��;
Ϊ�Ŷӵ����������ṩ�����Լ���Ҫ��֧�� ְλҪ��;