1. The child was born with defective eyesight. �⺢�ӳ���ʱ��������ȱ�ݡ�
2. Back in time there has been some fading. But not defective. ������ʱ�������Ѿ���Щ��ɫ����û�в�ȱ��
3. If carrier transitions and interface resets are increasing or if input errors are high while this occurs, the problem is likely to be a bad link or defective CSU or DSU. �����ز��仯�ͽ��������������л��ߴ�ʱ��������Ǻܸߵģ���Щ����������ɻ�������������ȱ�ݵ�CSU��DSU�����¡�
1. having a defect
2. markedly subnormal in structure or function or intelligence or behavior
3. not working properly
Defective ��Ʒ;
defective material ���Ϲ�������;