2. The paper studies the concepts of phase velocity and group velocity on electromagnetic wave propagation and discusses the relation between signal conveyance and energy conveyance. �����о��˵�Ų�������Ⱥ�������ٸ����֤���źŴ������������ݵı�Ȼ��ϵ��
3. Perform a good deed every day; aspire to benefit society. Vow to perform a good deed every day; each vow must aspire to beautify society. ����һ�ƴ���ģ�ÿһ���ģ���Ϊ�˼���������롣�շ�һԸ�����£�ÿһ��Ը����Ϊ�˼��ׯ�����ġ�
4. Help exhibitors arrange the conveyance of exhibits. Э�����Ų�չ��˾��չƷ���䣻
5. "Conveyance" includes every assignment, lease, mortgage, or encumbrance. �����롱��������ת�á���衢��Ѻ�����á�