1. Referred notarial deed to serve as evidence namely, on the court, the accused also just can is opposite notarial deed is captious, have a bit omit advocate notarial deed is invalid at every turn. 就是提交了公证书作为证据,在法庭上,被告方也会对公证书吹毛求疵,稍有遗漏便动辄主张公证书无效。
2. The paper studies the concepts of phase velocity and group velocity on electromagnetic wave propagation and discusses the relation between signal conveyance and energy conveyance. 文章研究了电磁波传播的群速与相速概念,论证了信号传送与能量传递的必然联系。
3. Perform a good deed every day; aspire to benefit society. Vow to perform a good deed every day; each vow must aspire to beautify society. 日行一善存好心,每一发心,必为人间的利益着想。日发一愿做好事,每一发愿,必为人间的庄严用心。
4. Help exhibitors arrange the conveyance of exhibits. 协助安排参展公司的展品运输;
5. "Conveyance" includes every assignment, lease, mortgage, or encumbrance. “让与”包括各种转让、租借、抵押或留置。