1. Once you deduct your expenses,there is nothing left. һ���۳���ķ��ã���ʲôҲû���ˡ�
2. This service has been canceled, why do you still deduct expenses from my credit card intermittent. ��������Ѿ�������ֹͣ��Ϊʲô���������ҵ����ÿ��Ͽ۳����ã�
3. You may deduct such commissions, charges, levies, trading fee and clearing fee and stamp duties from the Account. ��˾���Դ��ʻ��п۳��õ�Ӷ���շѡ�������ѡ����ѡ�����Ѽ�ӡ��˰�
1. make a subtraction
2. retain and refrain from disbursing; of payments
3. reason by deduction; establish by deduction