1. Ceiba like rains falls along cliff has a most decisive decision. ľ�ޡ���ˮ���Ծ������䡱����������ϵľ�����
2. If your ideal and goal are not only right but also decisive, then maybe you should adjust your mentality to face them. �����������Ŀ������ȷ���ּᶨ�ģ���Ҳ����Ҫ���������Լ�����̬��������ɡ�
3. This is a very decisive moment. Either Russia succeeds and the West fails, or West succeeds and Russia fails, he said. ���ʲ��˵�������Ƿdz��ؼ���ʱ�̡����Ƕ���˹�ɹ�������ʧ�ܣ����������ɹ�������˹ʧ�ܡ���
1. determining or having the power to determine an outcome
2. unmistakable
3. characterized by decision and firmness
4. forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis