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decisive [di'saisiv]



    adj. �����Եģ����ϵģ��ᶨ��




    1. Ceiba like rains falls along cliff has a most decisive decision.
    2. If your ideal and goal are not only right but also decisive, then maybe you should adjust your mentality to face them.
    3. This is a very decisive moment. Either Russia succeeds and the West fails, or West succeeds and Russia fails, he said.


      1. determining or having the power to determine an outcome
      2. unmistakable
      3. characterized by decision and firmness
      4. forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis


    �����Ե�, �ᶨ��, ���ϵ�; �����Ե�; ������; ���ϵ�;
    decisive factor
    ��������; ����������; ��������,��������;
    decisive vote
    ������Ʊ; ����Ʊ; ������ͶƱ;
    decisive moment
    ������˲��; �����Ե�˲��; ������ʱ��; �Q����˲�g;
    Decisive Engagement
    ���ս; ���ս������;


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