1. The book dealer would not break the set. ���ͼ�龭���̲�����ƹ涨��
2. A water: I specially consulted about dealer, you can import it as a vehicle, quality should not be any problem. һˮ����Ҳ���ص���ѯ��һ�¾����̣�����˵����Ϊһ����ڳ�������Ӧ����û������ġ�
3. We want to buy Kitchenware, Shoes / Footwear and Uppers, Distributor and Dealer, Liquor and Beverages, Toy and Games, Toys. ����Ҫ�ɹ������þߣ�Ь��/Ь���Ь�棬�����̺;����̣��ƺ����ϣ���ߺ���Ϸ����ߡ�
1. someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold
2. a firm engaged in trading
3. a seller of illicit goods
4. the major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account
5. the person who distributes the playing cards in a card game