1. I often remind myself to "Enjoy the fun of failure" and tackle some daunting goal. ��ʱ�������Լ�������ʧ�ܵ���Ȥ�������ʵ����Щʹ��η����Ŀ�ꡣ
2. For Pernell and others it is a daunting task that he says will take decades to achieve, but he is committed to doing his part. ���ǣ�����˹˵������һ����������Ҫ��ʮ���ʱ�������ɡ����ǣ�����Ȼ������������Լ��Ĺ�����
3. The United States �� and indeed the world �� is faced with a daunting set of challenges, including climate change, influenza pandemics, warfare, the search for renewable energy, and so on. ������ʵ�������������磩��������һϵ���Ͼ�����ս����������仯�������Ը�ð��ս����ͻ���Կ�������Դ��̽���ȵȡ�