1. People who are chronically cynical are a pain to work with . �����Ƿ���������һ������ʹ��ġ�
2. The boys made several cynical remarksj to cover up their disappointment at being left out of the play. ��Щ�к����˼����������Ľ��ȥ�ڸ����DZ�����ⳡ������ʧ����
3. There are some people who are cynical enough to just accept this is an everyday occurence and there is nothing you can do about it. �Ծ���һЩ�ˣ������㹻��������[���̵�?]ȥ������ÿ�췢�����¼�����ЩҲ����������ʲô�����顣
1. believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of