1. The article introduces the raising process, composition of raising machine and its the variable speed dive control system. Multi-motor drive of raising machine's feature is highlighted. ���ļ������ë���ա���ë���Ĺ��ɣ���ë����Ƶ���ٿ���ϵͳ���ص�����˶�����������ë���������ص㡣
2. Our main products include all kinds of home textiles and upholstery fabrics, such as sofa fabrics, curtain fabrics, sheer curtain fabric , ready-made curtain , cushion and being sets etc s . ���ǵ���Ҫ��Ʒ�Ǹ��ּҷ�װ����Ʒ�����磺ɳ����������������ɴ����Ʒ���������棬������Ʒ���ȣ���Ʒ���������ţ��߹�
3. By raising your legs at the top of each swing, you can raise the overall center of mass of your body, effectively raising the height of your swing. ��ÿ����ǧ������ߵ��ʱ����ֱ���˫�ȣ�����������������������ģ������Ϳ�����Ч����������ǧ�ĸ߶ȡ�
4. Therefore, perfecting the fund-raising mechanism of Chinese public universities is the necessary requirement of multi channel fund raising. ��ˣ������ҹ������У���ʻ����Ƕ���������ѧ���ѵı�ȻҪ��
5. The raising "zero" is an important parameter for raising machine. ��ë����Ǿ�����ë�豸�ϻ�����״̬��һ����Ҫ������