1. The researches about "English Activity Curriculum" are based on those of "Subject Curriculum", "Extra-curriculum Activities" and "Activity Curriculum". ���Ķ�Ӣ���γ������е��о����ڶ�Ӣ��ѧ�ƿγ̡���γ̺Ϳ����о��Ļ����Ͻ��еġ�
2. NSS Visual Arts Curriculum builds on the "Arts Education Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 �C Secondary 3)" 2002 and "Visual Arts Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 �C Secondary 3)" 2003 �¸����Ӿ������ƿγ̽�����2002�����ġ���������ѧϰ����γ�ָ����Сһ������������2003�����ġ���������ѧϰ�����Ӿ������ƿγ�ָ����Сһ������������
3. The curriculum system of higher mathematics exist the contradiction of supply and demand. Building the modular curriculum system of higher mathematics is the trend of curriculum reformation. ���ߵ���ѧ���γ���ϵ�����š����衱ì�ܣ�����ģ�黯�ġ��ߵ���ѧ���γ���ϵ�ǿγ̸ĸ�����ơ�
4. The spiral, umbrella curriculum organization and multicultural curriculum were implemented in analyzing elementary schools' homeland curriculum in Taipei County. ���Զ�Ԫ�Ļ������γ̡�
5. To the existing curriculum as the basis, with a new curriculum reform for reference, to construct required, elective, activity curriculum for the courses trunk structure. �����пγ���ϵΪ���ݣ����¿γ̸ĸ�Ϊ���գ������Ա��ޡ�ѡ�ޡ���γ�Ϊ���ɵĿγ̽ṹ��ϵ��
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Resume or Curriculum Vitae ���˼���;
curriculum vitae record ����;
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