1. It was in a cafe in a Yorkshire town that my curiosity was first aroused. ��������ҵĺ����ĵģ�����Լ�˿���һ������Ŀ��ȹݡ�
2. For all this, cannot satisfy me with the medical chemistry experiment limited contact in this domain intellectual curiosity. ������ˣ���ҽҩ��ѧʵ�����ĽӴ�������������������������֪����
3. However, to buy the best and freshest food, or just to satisfy your curiosity, one should definitely visit the street markets. Ȼ������������ú������ʵ�ʳƷ�ģ�����������ĺ����ĵĵط�����һ���ǽ����г��ˡ�
1. a state in which you want to learn more about something
2. something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting