1. Legitimacy of cryptic spy derives from conflict and balance of criminal control and individual interest in autonomy. �������������ԣ�Դ�ڷ�������������������ļ�ֵ��ͻ�����ƽ�⡣
2. In search of his father who has mysteriously disappeared diving in the city, David stumbles across the cryptic trail leading to the long-lost fortune of the Medici. ��Ѱ��������ʧ��������еĸ��Ĺ����У�����һ·����ײײ�Ĵ���ָ����ʧ�Ѿõ�÷����Ƹ��������㼣��
3. This is significant because you should not be interrupted by cryptic questions every time you install software, add a site to your favorites or change your PC settings. �����ش�ģ���Ϊ�㲻Ӧ�ô���������⣬ÿ�ΰ�װ����������һ��վ�㵽�����ղػ�ı���ĵ������á�
1. of an obscure nature
2. having a secret or hidden meaning
3. having a puzzling terseness