1. The sixth question is of crucial importance: Is it true or not? �������������൱��Ҫ�ģ�������Ļ��Ǽٵģ�
2. As history has proven, speed is one the most crucial advantages in combat. ��ʷ����֤�����ٶ���ս������߾����Ե�����֮һ��
3. One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. һ���˿�����һ���ŶӵĹؼ�Ҫ�أ���һ������Զ���ܳ�Ϊһ���Ŷӡ�
1. of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis
2. having crucial relevance
3. of the greatest importance
4. having the power or quality of deciding