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crop [krɔp]



    n. ������ũ���ׯ�ڣ�ƽͷ
    vt. ��ֲ���ո�޼�������
    vi. �ջ�



corn   ��Ҫָ����С������������������5�ֹ��P�����ӡ�
crop   ָ���������һ���һ�����ճɣ�Ҳ��ָ�����ũҵ�������
grain   ָ������ȹ��༰�����ӡ�


    1. They cropped 15 acres with corn.
    2. It can burn wood , animal waste or crop waste.
    3. Robot farmers could soon lead to crop fields being replaced by metal shipping containers.


      1. the yield from plants in a single growing season
      2. a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale
      3. a collection of people or things appearing together
      4. the output of something in a season
      5. the stock or handle of a whip
      6. a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary ma
      1. cut short
      2. prepare for crops
      3. yield crops
      4. let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
      5. feed as in a meadow or pasture
      6. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of


    ����; �и�����; ��Ⱦָ��������ͼ���СΪָ������Ĵ�С; �ü�;
    Crop protection
    ���ﱣ��; ֲ��; ũ����Ʒ; ũ���ﱣ��˶ʿ;
    crop rotation
    ����; �ָ�; ��ֲ; ��������;
    standing crop
    �ִ���; ��ľ�������; ������; ���壺����ȫ��,�ִ���,������,��ľ���;
    Crop Circles
    ����ԲȦ; ����Ȧ; �����Ȧ; ����Ȧ�س�;


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