1. They cropped 15 acres with corn. ��������15ӢĶ���ס�
2. It can burn wood , animal waste or crop waste. ������ȼ��ľͷ�������ׯ�ڵķ����
3. Robot farmers could soon lead to crop fields being replaced by metal shipping containers. ���ã�������ũ��Ϳ����ý�����װ����������ֲׯ�ڡ�
1. the yield from plants in a single growing season
2. a cultivated plant that is grown commercially on a large scale
3. a collection of people or things appearing together
4. the output of something in a season
5. the stock or handle of a whip
6. a pouch in many birds and some lower animals that resembles a stomach for storage and preliminary ma v.
1. cut short
2. prepare for crops
3. yield crops
4. let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
5. feed as in a meadow or pasture
6. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of