1. Beijing Creek will adhere to the "guests highest, reputation first" purpose, warmly welcome you! ��Ϫ�˽���ء��������ϣ�������һ������ּ���ȳ���ӭ���Ĺ��٣�
2. It's called the Hell Creek Formation. But to paleontologists, this part of North Dakota is pure heaven. ���������Ϫ�ز㡣���Կ���ѧ����˵����������ݵ��ⲿ����ȫ�������á�
3. As he played with his dog on the prairies, climbed up trees on the nearby creek and marveled at spectacular sunrises and sunset, he looked beyond those horizons. �����ڴ��ԭ�϶�Ū���İ�Ȯ����������С�ӱߵ����ϲ���׳�۵��ճ�����̾Ϊ��ֹʱ�����ְ�Ŀ��ת����Ұ֮�⡣
1. a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river)
2. any member of the Creek Confederacy (especially the Muskogee) formerly living in Georgia and Alabama