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credit ['kredit]



    n. ���ã����������ѧ�֣����Σ�����
    vt. ���ţ����Σ��ѡ�������鹦�ڣ�����




belief   ��ͨ�ôʣ�ָ�����������ϵ����ţ����������������Ƿ��и��ݡ�
faith   ������ǿ��ǿ����ȫ���ţ���ʱҲ�ܽ�ƾ�о����������š�
confidence   ָ��ij��ij���г�����ģ��϶�����ʹ��ʧ��������������Ρ�
conviction   ��ָ���ݳ��ڽ�����ʵ������ij��ij��������ʶ���˽����������ĺ����ţ�������ᶨ�ԡ�
credit   ��������������������Ϊ���εĻ�����
trust   ǿ�����š����ε���ȫ�ɿ���


    1. I didn't credit that absurd tale.
    2. Can I pay with my Credit Card?
    3. We insist on the letter of credit.


      1. approval
      2. money available for a client to borrow
      3. an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items
      4. used in the phrase `to your credit' in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise
      5. arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
      6. recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typ
      7. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage
      8. an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work
      1. give someone credit for something
      2. give credit for
      3. accounting: enter as credit
      4. have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of


    ѧ��; ����; ����; ����;
    credit department
    ���е����ò�; ���ò�; ���ù�����; �Ŵ���;
    credit sale
    ����; ����; ����; ��������;
    packing credit
    ����ſ�; �������; ����ſ��װ����֤; �����������֤;
    credit agency
    ������; ���õ������; �Ŵ�����; ���õ������,������;


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