1. You are your greatest enemy if you are a coward: but if you are brave you are your greates friend. �������һ��ų����������Լ����ĵ��ˣ��������¸�������Լ���õ����ѡ�
2. You are the greatest enemy if you are a coward, but if you are brave, you are your greatest friend. ������ǵ�С����������Լ����ĵ��ˣ���������¸��ߣ�������Լ���õ����ѡ�
3. Gaia : We will help you defeat Zeus. Death is an escape, Kratos. You are a warrior of Sparta, not a coward. Only a coward accepts death. ���ǣ����ǽ�����������˹�����������ӱܵķ�ʽ������˹������˹�ʹ����ʿ������ų��ֻ��ų��Ż����������
1. a person who shows fear or timidity
2. English dramatist and actor and composer noted for his witty and sophisticated comedies (1899-1973)