1. An instruction to proceed to the next instruction; a blank instruction. ʹ������ɵ���һ��ָ���ָ�һ����ָ�
2. Problems in instruction is the inner force which pushed forward the development of instruction. k is people�s investigation and solvation that improve instruction. ��ѧ�������ڵ��������ƶ���ѧ��չ���������������������ڶԸ��������̽�������У���ѧ���ܻ��½�����
3. This register holds the address of the next instruction after a Branch and Link(BL) instruction, which is the instruction used to make a subroutine call. ��������ִ����BLָ����ָ���ַ�����������ӳ�����á�
4. The setting and teaching of the music course in high vocational colleges are made up with course plan, course teaching and course evaluation. �ߵ�ְҵ�������ֿγ̵����á�ʵʩ���ɿγ̹滮���γ�ʵʩ�Ϳγ��������������ι��ɡ�
5. A coroutine call instruction. The instruction pops the top of stack into temporary register, pushes program counter onto the stack, and then puts the saved top of stack in the program counter. ִ�й����е�һ���������ʱ�䣬�ڴ��ڼ䣬����������洢����ȡ��ָ���������������������������������ļĴ����С�
course flight course lane line sea route skyway ����;
course flight course lane line sea route skyway ����;