1. The information below was compiled by our correspondent. �������������ǵļ����ռ������ġ�
2. Our evident fence around the residence is our confidence of correspondent defense. ����סլ��Χ���Ե�դ����������Ӧ���������ġ�
3. Correspondent: You once said, "The cultures of mankind are diverse, the future of the world is harmonious. " Could you please explain this to me in detail? ���ߣ���˵������һ�仰����������Ļ��Ƕ�Ԫ�ģ������δ���Ǻ�г�ġ�����ô���ܲ����ٸ�������ϸ�ؽ���һ�£�
1. someone who communicates by means of letters
2. a journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media adj.
1. similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar
correspondent ͨѶԱ;
correspondent bank ��������;
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