1. Vital Statistics Governmental Department of State Statistics Bureau, ed. Annual report forms of China vital statistics. Beijing: China Statistics Publishing Company, 1993-52. 国家统计局人口统计司,主编。中国人口统计年鉴。北京:中国统计出版社,1993。52。
2. Objective: To investigate psychological burden of the caregivers of the schizophrene and find correlational cause in schizophrene at open and closed ward. 目的:探讨开放式管理模式、封闭式管理模式住院精神分裂症患者的住院期间患者照料者的精神负担及其相关因素。
3. Method:The position, shape, size and their correlational data of sphenopalatine foramen of 5 cadaver heads (10 sides) in adults fixed with formalin were dissected and measured. 选用5具(10侧)固定后的成人尸颅进行位置、形状、大小及毗邻关系的观察与有关数据的测量。
4. A descriptive correlational study was designed to examine the relationship among mothers' uncertainty, sense of mastery, and anxiety. 研究采描述相关性研究设计,旨在调查母亲之不确定感感、掌控感与焦虑之关系。
5. The purpose of this descriptive correlational study was to evaluate the quality of life, coping behaviors and related factors in women with nocturia. 本研究系一描述性及相关性研究,主要目的是瞭解夜尿妇女之生活品质、因应行为及其相关因素。