1. Picture a typical corporate office with a desk , chairs , telephone and a row of file cabinents along the wall. ���������һ�����͵Ĺ�˾�칫�ң����������ӡ����ӡ��绰����ǽ��һ���ļ���
2. Its membership comprises corporate subscribers, among them the largest business corporations in the Netherlands. ���Ļ�Ա������˾���Ϲ��ߣ������к���������ҵ��˾��
3. Another sign of change is corporate Japan's sudden zeal for mergers and acquisitions, despite the uncertain business environment and a scarcity of capital. ������һ����־������Ȼ��ҵ��������Ԥ���Լ��ʽ��㣬�ձ���ҵȴͻȻ�����ںϲ����չ���
1. of or belonging to a corporation
2. possessing or existing in bodily form
3. done by or characteristic of individuals acting together
4. organized and maintained as a legal corporation