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corporate ['kɔ:pərit]



    adj. ���˵ģ���ͬ�ģ�ȫ��ģ����ŵ�



    1. Picture a typical corporate office with a desk , chairs , telephone and a row of file cabinents along the wall.
    2. Its membership comprises corporate subscribers, among them the largest business corporations in the Netherlands.
    3. Another sign of change is corporate Japan's sudden zeal for mergers and acquisitions, despite the uncertain business environment and a scarcity of capital.


      1. of or belonging to a corporation
      2. possessing or existing in bodily form
      3. done by or characteristic of individuals acting together
      4. organized and maintained as a legal corporation


    ��˾��; ���˵�; �����; ȫ���;
    Corporate Governance
    ��˾����; ��ҵ����; ��˾����; ��˾�����ṹ;
    Corporate Planning
    ��ҵ�߻���Ա; ��˾�ƻ�����; ��ҵ�߻�; ��˾�滮;
    corporate culture
    ��˾�Ļ�����ҵ�Ļ�; ��˾�Ļ�; ��I�Ļ�; ��ҵ�Ļ�����;
    corporate identity
    ��ҵ��ʶ; ��ҵ����; ����ʶ��ϵͳ; ��ҵ����ʶ��;


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