1. The stability of the error system is analyzed by a Lyapunov function, which shows that the errors are exponential convergent. ����������ŵ�������������ϵͳ���ȶ��ԣ�˵�������ָ�������ġ�
2. Hybrid simulation results indicate that the algorithm is convergent and the convergent velocity precedes the result of all-digital simulation. ��Ͻ��������������㷨�������ģ��������ٶ�����ȫ���ַ�������
3. For long time, it has been hot spot to find the stable and convergent methods for solving the hydrocarbon migration-accumulation history model due to its complexity. ��������ѧģ�͵ĸ����ԣ�����������Ѱ���ȶ����������㷨��������ƾۼ�ʷģ��һֱ�����ƾۼ�ʷģ����ȵ㡣
1. tending to come together from different directions