1. If you look at the end of your nose, your eyes converge. ����㿴����ıǼ⣬������۾���һ�㼯�С�
2. The results converge reasonably well for the twelve degress of freedom case. ����ʮ�������ɶȵ�������˵������������൱�á�
3. Two different personality, converge, is the author of a realistic compromise, the reality is the ideal compromise. ���˲�ͬ�Ը���;ͬ�飬�����߶���ʵ����Э��Ҳ���������ʵ����Э��
1. be adjacent or come together
2. approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
3. move or draw together at a certain location
4. come together so as to form a single product