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converge [kən'və:dʒ]



    vi. �ۺϣ�������һ��
    vt. ��ۣ�ʹ�ۼ���ʹ��һ����




    1. If you look at the end of your nose, your eyes converge.
    2. The results converge reasonably well for the twelve degress of freedom case.
    3. Two different personality, converge, is the author of a realistic compromise, the reality is the ideal compromise.


      1. be adjacent or come together
      2. approach a limit as the number of terms increases without limit
      3. move or draw together at a certain location
      4. come together so as to form a single product


    ������һ��; ����; ���; ������;
    converge quasiuniformly
    converge validity
    Cluster converge
    converge on
    �ҵ�; ����; ������...��;


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