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conventional [kən'venʃənəl]



    adj. ����ϰ�׵ģ���ͳ�ģ������ģ�������




usual   ��ͨ�ôʣ�����㷺��ָ���������������е��£��ȿ�ָ��Ȼ����������Ҳ��ָ������ϰ�߻�����������¡�
customary   ָ�ض��ĸ��˻�Ⱥ���ƽ��ϰ�ߣ���ϰ���Ե���Ϊ��
habitual   ָ������ϰ�߷������������顣���ؾ����ԡ�ϰ���ԡ�
conventional   ����ǿ��ָ�����ѳ�ϰ�ߵ����飬ǿ�����Ϲ������������ձ��Ͽɡ�
regular   ��������Լ���׳ɵĹ���


    1. Traditional (classical) mutagenesis-screening techniques are still as most practicable conventional techniques as yet.
    2. If achieves this goal, will consolidate further Russia to take the world second big conventional weapons export State the status.
    3. Selecting the reliability parameters for conventional submarine is essential condition for developing reliability work of the submarine.


      1. following accepted customs and proprieties
      2. conforming with accepted standards
      3. (weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy
      4. unimaginative and conformist
      5. represented in simplified or symbolic form
      6. in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past
      7. rigidly formal or bound by convention


    �����; ͨ�õ�; ������; ���õ�;
    conventional sign
    ���÷���; ͼ��; ����ͼ��; ϰ�÷���;
    CONV conventional
    conventional name
    ���õ�; ������; ��������; ���õ���;
    conventional memory
    ����洢��; ��ͳ�ڴ�; ��ͳ������; �����ڴ�;


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