1. Possession is not important, contentedness is. Be contented in any situation and problems will be kept away. ӵ��ʲô������Ҫ���ܷ�֪�����Ҫ���κ������������Ͳ��������⡣
2. I know this first-hand, as uncontrolled spending led to debt for me, and contentedness led to me getting out of debt. �Ҵ�����������ѧ����Щ����Ϊ���ƵĻ�Ǯ����ծ�����ۣ���֪��ʹ�Ұ���ծ��
3. If I had to be in a psychiatric ward, I would listen to Nick Drake. Nick Drake and contentedness are related, too �C for me. ������һ��ǵ�Ҫ�ҵ��ξ��������Ĺ������һ�ȥ����˵���ˡ����ĸ������˵ͬ�������������ڰ����С�
1. the state of being contented with your situation in life