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contemplate ['kɔntəm,pleit]



    vt. ��˼��ע�ӣ�˼�⣻Ԥ��
    vi. ڤ˼���룻��˼����



    1. He stood there contemplating the stars in the sky.
    2. No one should ever contemplate suicide.
    3. It is therefore our duty as curriculum developers to contemplate, what biology knowledge is of most worth?


      1. look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought
      2. consider as a possibility
      3. think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes
      4. reflect deeply on a subject


    ����; ʡ˼; ��˼����˼����������һ����˼��; ��˼;
    accordingly contemplate
    contemplate sb
    ϸ��:; ����ij��[ij����]����ָ��������ΪĿ���ߣ�;
    we can not contemplate
    ���Ǹ����޷���˼��; ���Dz���ֱ��˼��; ���Dz��� �²�; �����޷���˼��;
    we must not contemplate
    ���Dz��ؿ���; ���Ǹ����޷���˼��;


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