1. Work, consumerism and the new poor. ��������������������ƶ��
2. More consumerism behaves as a negative value on the subject, and brings social and human with negative consequences. ����������������ı���Ϊһ�ָ���ֵ�����������˴���һ���ĺ����
3. Their Golden Calf is "consumerism" - actually a very mature Golden Cow with udders of abundance, reclining in a very laid-back pose. ���dz�ݵġ���ţ�����ʹ����š��������塱--ʵ�������Ѿ���һֻ�������ˮ�ḻ�ġ���ĸţ���ˡ�
1. the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically beneficial
2. a movement advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers