1. When your boss has a new idea, respond to it in a constructive way instead of throwing up roadblocks. ������������һ�����뷨�������ý����Եķ�ʽ������Ӧ����Ҫ�׳���·ʯ��
2. I have done my best to make this as idiot proof and bug free as possible but I always appreciate constructive criticism. ���Ѿ���������Ŭ����ʹ�����Ϊ֤�ݣ�����׳վ�������ѣ�����ʼ�������н����Ե�������
3. Both as a people and a government, we can unite upon a programme, a programme which is wise and just, enlightened and constructive. ����������ܹ��Ž�һ��ʵ��һ���ƻ���ֻҪ����ƻ������ǵġ���ƽ�ġ������ġ������Եġ�
1. constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development
2. emphasizing what is laudable or hopeful or to the good