1. Learn building, first teacher hall, calligraphy and painting Zhai all is a visitor and scholar writer of constellate of ground. ѧ�ݡ���ʦ�á��黭ի�����οͺ�����ī�͵�����֮�ء�
2. A complex is a pattern of suppressed thoughts and feelings that cluster -- constellate -- around a theme provided by some archetype. ���ָ����DZ�ѹ���뷨�о���ģʽ�����Ҵ�����Ϊ�ṩ��ijЩԭ�͵��۵�װ���ǿա�
3. See from the human geography according to theories in the tour district and growth pole oris, some cultures constellate of place usually is also more concentrated place in the hotel. ���������������ۺ����������ۣ������ĵ������濴��һЩ�Ļ����͵ĵط�������Ҳ�Ƿ����Ϊ���е����ڡ�
1. scatter or intersperse like dots or studs
2. come together as in a cluster or flock
3. form a constellation or cluster