1. Make oneself handsome and others happy. Wholehearted service makes you felt delicate considerateness and care. �����Լ����������ˡ�ȫ���ĵķ���ʹ�����ܵ�����������ػ���
2. But had New Yorkers really changed, or was their post-September 11 considerateness and neighborliness merely a passing fad? ����������ŦԼ����ĸı��ˣ�����������������ֻ�ǡ�9��11���¼�֮����ݵķ��У�
3. Chinese conversation belongs to the high considerateness style, while American and British conversations to the high involvement style. ���ᄈ�Ļ��µĻỰ����Ǹ������Ự��ʽ�������ᄈ�Ļ��µĻỰ�����ڸ߽���Ự��ʽ��