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conservative [kən'sə:vətiv]



    adj. ���ص�
    n. �����ɣ��ؾ���




    1. Attitudes toward human and social relationships seem to be more conservative.
    2. Even so, the report says the prediction of substantial damage by 2030 is conservative.
    3. There is a lot of debate about the right discount rate to use, but the conservative approach is to take the cost of government borrowing.


      1. a person who has conservative ideas or opinions
      2. resistant to change
      3. opposed to liberal reforms
      4. avoiding excess
      5. unimaginatively conventional
      6. conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class


    ���ص�; ������; ���صģ���ͳ��; ����;
    conservative substitution
    ���أ��ԣ��滻���������û�[���Ƶİ�����л�֮����滻; ������ȡ��; �����û�; ���أ��ԣ��滻���������û�;
    conservative motion
    conservative therapy
    �����Ʒ�; ���壺�����Ʒ�;
    conservative value
    �غ�ֵ; ����ֵ;


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