1. A subdivision of a group of consecutive machine words transferred as a unit, particularly with reference to input and output. ��Ϊһ����Ԫ���͵�һ�������������е�һ���֣��ر�����������������ԡ�
2. Health Tip: When needed, use daily per the recommended dosages for up to 10 consecutive days. For ongoing support and maintenance, use at recommended dosage twice a week. ������ʾ������Ҫʱ�����Ƽ���ÿ��ʹ�ã��������ʹ��10�죬�����Ϊ���ڵĴٽ���ά�֣����Ƽ��ļ���һ��ʹ�����Ρ�
3. Currently, Shanghai's industrial plant maintenance quarter of the average rent growth, or even some hot regions consecutive months rental vacancy rate of zero phenomenon. Ŀǰ���Ϻ���ҵ����ƽ����𱣳ּ����Ե�������������������������������³��ֿ�����Ϊ�������
1. in regular succession without gaps
2. successive (without a break)
3. one after the other adv.
1. in a consecutive manner