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confined [kən'faind]



    adj. ��խ�ģ��Ľ��ģ������Ƶģ��ڷ����е�
    v. ���ƣ�confine�Ĺ�ȥʽ�͹�ȥ�ִʣ�




    1. I feel way too confined by the atmosphere around here. You people never seem to relax.
    2. In a rocket as defined in claim 1, wherein the gas confined in said container means comprising a single body of gas.
    �ڻ�����綨������1 �����е�������˵�����ڼ�װ���ֶΰ���һ����һ�Ļ�������Ȼ����
    3. The globalization that has swept away the barriers to the movement of goods, ideas and people has also swept with it barriers that confined and localized security threats.


      1. not free to move about
      2. enclosed by a confining fence
      3. not invading healthy tissue
      4. deprived of liberty; especially placed under arrest or restraint
      5. in captivity


    �����Ƶ�; ���޵�; ������; �����Ƶ�, ��խ��, �����;
    confined vortex
    confined chain
    confined bed
    confined reservoir
    ��մ�����; Χ�޴����㣬��մ�����;


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