1. Kate wrote to condole with her friend on the death of her mother. ����д��ο�����˵�ɥĸ֮ʹ��
2. We visited Frank to condole with him on the death of his father. ���ǿ����˸����ˣ���������ȥ��������ʾο�ʡ�
3. Peter wrote to condole with his friend on the death of his mother. �˵�д�Ÿ��������ѣ�����ĸ��ȥ����ʾ������
4. Kate wrote to condole with her friend on the death of her mother. ����д��ο�����˵�ɥĸ֮ʹ��
5. The one horn of the study, inclined condole of a TV is in housetop, it is below result put symphonious noise, they were brought for nervous at ordinary times job a few relaxed. �鷿��һ�ǣ�һ̨����б�����ݶ��������ǹ��ź����죬����Ϊƽʱ���ŵĹ���������һЩ���ɡ�