1. The condescension make person progress. ǫ��ʹ�˽�����
2. You shall not do wisely mixing pride. No making your condescension lack wisdom. ��Ҫ������ǻ��м����Ű�������Ҫʹ���ǫ����ȱ���ǻۡ�
3. The apparent success with which they have monitored and infiltrated Palestinians in the West Bank has created an attitude of condescension that inhibits peacemaking. ��Щ�鱨�����������İ���˹̹���ڵļල�������Ƴɹ�����Ҳ������һ�������ĸߵ����øо���Ӱ�쵽�õ����ĺ�ƽ���̡�
1. the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior
2. a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient
3. affability to your inferiors and temporary disregard for differences of position or rank