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condemn [kən'dem]



    vt. Ǵ�����̣��������



blame   ��ͨ�ôʣ���������������һ������ѡ�����ڣ���������������֮�⡣
accuse   ������blameǿ������Ϊ���������ָ���ѻ�Ǵ��֮�塣
condemn   ��ʽ�ôʣ���ʾǴ���н�ǿ��˾����ζ�����شӵ����ԭ���ϵ�Ǵ��
scold   ��ͨ�ôʣ���ָ�ϼ����¼��������Ժ󱲻�����Թ�Ա��̬�ȴֱ����Դʼ��ҵ����䡣
denounce   ��condemnͬ�壬�����ع����ԡ�
reproach   ����ָ�����˴��ġ���˽����������ȥָ���Ҳ���
rebuke   ��ָ�ϼ����¼����еĹ�����ǿ�ҡ������������ݵ��𱸡�����һ��Ȩ������ζ��


    1. The building was condemned and is to be torn down.
    2. Would you condemn this woman to a life where people look at her face when they talk to her?
    3. Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.


      1. express strong disapproval of
      2. declare or judge unfit
      3. compel or force into a particular state or activity
      4. demonstrate the guilt of (someone)
      5. pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law


    Ǵ��; ���ѣ�����; ָ��Dz��; ���桭����;
    RRO Condemn
    �������Ӵ�Ա��������; �������Ӵ�Ա(����);
    condemn penalize
    x Condemn
    condemn as
    Ǵ��Ϊ; ����...������; ������;


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