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concord ['kɔŋkɔ:d, kən'kɔ:d]



    n. ��г��������һ�£�Э��




harmony   ָ������֮���ͬ����������֮����ȫЭ������г����죬û��Ħ����
agreement   ����̬����۵��ϵ�һ�¡�
concord   ��ָ�˼ʡ����Ҽ������֮��Э��һ�µĹ�ϵ��
unity   ָ������Ա����Ⱥ��֮���໥Э��һ�µĹ�ϵ��
accord   ָ˼��һ�£��˴˲�ì�ܣ�Ҳָ�ж��ϵ�һ�¡�


    1. to concord every word in the book
    2. Concord produces medium-sized clusters bearing large, blue-black berries.
    3. Neighbors cannot live in concord if their children keep fighting with one another.


      1. capital of the state of New Hampshire; located in south central New Hampshire on the Merrimack river
      2. a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity
      3. the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations
      4. town in eastern Massachusetts near Boston where the first battle of the American Revolution was foug
      5. agreement of opinions
      6. the first battle of the American Revolution (April 19, 1775)
      1. go together
      2. arrange by concord or agreement
      3. arrange the words of a text so as to create a concordance
      4. be in accord; be in agreement


    Э�� ����������˾; Э��; ��г,һ��; ��г;
    number concord
    concord society
    Concord Records
    ������ʿƷ��; Э�ͳ�Ƭ;
    Concord Room


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