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conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən]



    n. ���ۣ���֣�����




    1. The conclusion was deduced from the premises.
    2. The conclusion explained the accuracy, validity and reliability of this new contacting unit method.
    3. As each human recognizes the god goddess in every human, warfare and abuse will also come to a conclusion between individuals as well as nations.


      1. a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
      2. an intuitive assumption
      3. the temporal end; the concluding time
      4. event whose occurrence ends something
      5. the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the m
      6. the act of ending something
      7. a final settlement
      8. the last section of a communication
      9. the act of making up your mind about something


    ����; �ܽ�; ������; �YՓ;
    expert conclusion
    ��������; ר�ҽ���;
    Silent Conclusion
    ���ԵĽ��; ���ԕA���; ����-���ԵĽ��;
    objective conclusion
    deductive conclusion


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