1. It's hard to conceptualize the finished building. ���������¥���������ʲô����
2. Students currently taking this class can work together to conceptualize general approaches to assignments. ѧ�����ڿ��Բ�ȡͼ�Ӻ�����ѧϰ����γ̣�һ��������ҵ����˼����
3. Conceptual skills are the skills managers must have to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations. ����������ָ˼������һЩ���ӵ��龰������������������
1. have the idea for
conceptualize ���;
Fractal -Fractal conceptualize Form ������������;
The ability to conceptualize and solve problems �����γɸ���ͽ�����������;