1. Is but our own conceit of what we see. �����������Լ�����������������
2. The resolution also tells us clearly that conceit can definitely harm Party unity and the cause of revolution. ����ݰ�������ظ������ǣ�����һ����ʹ�����Ž��ܵ���ʹ������ҵ�ܵ���
3. It was merely a question of "good form, " the conceit of a superior breeding, the duty not to give oneself away . �ⲻ���ǡ�������ͳ�������⣬һ����Խ�������Ը���������ʹ�Լ�������¶�����ζ��ѡ�
1. feelings of excessive pride
2. an elaborate poetic image or a far-fetched comparison of very dissimilar things
3. a witty or ingenious turn of phrase
4. an artistic device or effect
5. the trait of being unduly vain and conceited
conceit �Դ�;
Fatal Conceit �������Ը�;
self-conceit �Ը�;
Conceit comes from shallowness ��������dz��������������֪��;