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computing [kəm'pju:tiŋ]



    n. ���㣻���������µ��Թ���
    v. ���㣨compute�����ڷִ���ʽ��



    1. Solid sample and liquid sample adopt a different formula calculation while computing.
    2. A key attraction of cloud computing is that it conceals the complexity of the infrastructure from developers and end users.
    3. Today, most cloud computing offerings concentrate on platform virtualization, and the developer chooses the OS and development platform.


      1. the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and
      2. the procedure of calculating; determining something by mathematical or logical methods


    ����; �����; �������Ϣ��������; ����;
    Cloud Computing
    �Ƽ���; �ƶ�����; 녶��\��; �ƶ˼���;
    Computing Method
    ���㷽��; ���㷨; �ƻ�����; ı��Ҫ��;
    Utility Computing
    Ч�ü���; ��������; ���ü���; ʵ�ü���;
    pervasive computing
    ���ʼ���; �ռ�����; �ռ�����; �ռ��\��;


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