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comprehensive [,kɔmpri'hensiv]



    adj. �ۺϵģ��㷺�ģ�����������
    n. �ۺ�ѧУ��רҵ�ۺϲ���




    1. I managed comprehensive administration and comprehensive credit, in charge of administration and credit in the subbranch.
    2. Our company is a comprehensive static control products production and sales enterprises, set the development, production, sales as one.
    3. The pattern recognition is theory of research classification recognition and the method science, is a comprehensive and overlapping discipline.


      1. an intensive examination testing a student's proficiency in some special field of knowledge
      2. including all or everything
      3. broad in scope


    �㷺��; ȫ���; �㲩,�㷺��; �ۺϵģ�ȫ���;
    Comprehensive Experiment
    �ۺ�ʵ��; �ۺ�������; �ۺ�ʵ��;
    comprehensive insurance
    �ۺϱ���; �ۺ���; �ۺϱ���, ȫ�̱���; ȫ����;
    comprehensive arrangement
    ͳ�ﰲ��; ͳ�ﲿ��;
    Comprehensive utilization
    �ۺ�����; �ۺ����f;


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