1. I managed comprehensive administration and comprehensive credit, in charge of administration and credit in the subbranch. �������ۺϼ��Ŵ��ۺϣ�����֧�����������������Ŵ��ۺϹ�����
2. Our company is a comprehensive static control products production and sales enterprises, set the development, production, sales as one. �ҹ�˾��һ���ۺ��Եľ�����Ʋ�Ʒ������������ҵ�����з�������������Ϊһ�塣
3. The pattern recognition is theory of research classification recognition and the method science, is a comprehensive and overlapping discipline. ģʽʶ����һ���о�����ʶ�����ۺͷ����Ŀ�ѧ����һ���ۺ��ԡ�������ѧ�ơ�
1. an intensive examination testing a student's proficiency in some special field of knowledge
2. including all or everything
3. broad in scope